Next event: October 8: Le Terazze di Spazzavento

The next Buonrespiro tasting event will be on October 8. Our special guests will be Alessandro e Paolo of the Monterubaglio winery “Le Terrazze di Spazzavento”. They will present 4 interesting wines. Registration of this event is open now. The event is sponsored by the winery. Partecipation fee is only 15 Euros. During the event…

September 3 + 10, wine tasting at the Buonrespiro

We invite for 2 wine tastings. At September 3 we will present 7 sparkling wines made with the “metodo ancestrale”. The bubbles are produced byrefermentation in the bottle, but without “sboccatura” as in the Champagner process Most of the bottles come from producers with a natural wine producing method. we will serve these wines with…