“Tasting of Metodo Ancestrale”

A small but enthusiastic crowd participated in the tasting (https://thebuonrespiro.com/september-3-10-wine-tasting-at-the-buonrespiro/) Newcomers to these type of sparkling wine were surprised about the quality and the richness of flavours. A special mention to the bottle from the winery “terazze di spazzavento” which was presented by the Producers. The big difference in expression of flavours among alle the…

September 3 + 10, wine tasting at the Buonrespiro

We invite for 2 wine tastings. At September 3 we will present 7 sparkling wines made with the “metodo ancestrale”. The bubbles are produced byrefermentation in the bottle, but without “sboccatura” as in the Champagner process Most of the bottles come from producers with a natural wine producing method. we will serve these wines with…


Sunday, August 6, 5pm: Vermentino,, Cannonau, Carignano

Back from Sardegnaand we sampled 140 bottles of wine and spirits. We will organize a series of tastings, Starting with a summer version. You will taste: The wine will be paired with: Please book now. (johannes.keizer@gmail.com, WhatsApp: 3665010443, Participation fee: 35 Euros) Domenica, August 6, 5 pm, Buonrespiro 37.