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Experimental Kitchen
One of my standard pasta sauces are crumbled sausages with tomatoes and fresh garlic. This time I substituted he fresh garlic with leak. I obviously had to much. So I added an egg to the leftovers and formed a budino. Mica male. The other dish is a trot fillet with Zucchini spirals and buffalo ricotta….
Salsicce con funghi e Lentichie con datterini
The vanilla recipe (sausages with lentils) had not enough appeal to me this evening. So I extended the coverage. The sausage were from butcher Loreto, one of the best. Nevertheless too salty. All Umbrian sausages are always too salty! Better not to speal about the mushrooms, a mixed package bought at COOP. I will never…
Preparing the dispensa
Fresh vegetable from the smmer needs to be transformed in tasty preserves for next autumn, winter and spring. Our preservation kitchen is working several days a week in July and August. Main product are tomatoes and peppers, but also Aubergines, Zuchine, herbes and many other products
It’s Zucchini time!
When I left the Buonrespiro on Friday afternoon, there were no zucchini- When I came back on Monday morning: this was the result: Small Zucchini are delicious and easy to prepare. When they grow, a bit of creativity is needed. They need to be cut into different schapes Then they can be dried, grilled, deep…
String Beans too grown up
young string beans are one of the most delicious vegetables, just cooked “al dente” and served with a bit of butter. But in your own garden it happens that they grow up and not in a uniform way. So you often get a mixture wirh a big conponent of outgrown string beans. – How to…